Saturday, December 30, 2023

Lifting week of 24 Dec

 Christmas week lifting. Since Christmas was Monday and we had family over, postponed H day till Tuesday. Then decided to skip L day to do M day on Friday, to get back on my M/W/F sked. But forgot I was giving plasma on Friday afternoon. Don't like lifting right after that so just did M day today. 

26 Dec (H)

  • OHP: 1RM attempt.
  • SQ: 3x3 @260#
  • CR: 4x15
Good 1RM for OHP: now 125#, up from 120#. 10# shy of my 2023 goal, but that's what happens. The 260# squat was hard, but it (still) amazes me how much heavy weights which earlier would have wiped me out now feel easy, like 185# and even 205# today. 

Speaking of 2023 goals, I missed them by a total of 25#. My OHP goal was 135# (-10#); Squat goal was 265# (+10#); and Deadlift goal was 325# (-25#). Still pretty happy with my 1RMs this year, totally 700#.

30 Dec (M, and happy birthday to my sis Lisa!)
  • SQ: 2x5 @230#
  • OHP: 2x5 @90#
  • CR: 4x12
Didn't feel the 15 reps for calf raises today. Still using the 24kg kettle with the 20# ruck on my back. The squat is 5# more than previous weeks since I've gone up on H day. OHP was easy; should I have done 95#? I think the next few H weeks on OHP will help me figure out my L and M days.

Great songs while lifting: "Traps," by Bloc Party; "When New Year Comes Around," by Sophie Madeleine; "Secret," by OMD (fav album while mowing the lawn in early '80s); "Orange Crush," by R.E.M. (about the "latest" R.E.M. that I like).
Books read this week: Destination Void, by Frank Herbert; started The Art and Science of Training, by Elaine Beich and Pattern Recognition, by William Gibson. Will probably only finish the Gibson before New Years. Am also starting my friend's new book, in a copyediting mode.

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Winter Wildcat

 Pictures day two. Pictures day one