Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Back from Florida

 Back from my two weeks in Florida. What a waste! I got a serious cold (no, not COVID) which knocked me out for three full days. Dammit!

A measly 1200-ish meters. This day was only 1-2 ft swells, as compared to that first day I went (post here) where it was 5-6. But it's been so long since a) I've swum any distance and 2) I've swum in salt water. On this particular day at one point I got a huge gulp of salt water in my mouth and it went straight down my throat (I now understand "gag reflex") and I almost puked. Still, I stayed in and swam. It was fun. 

But it was only the second time, Tuesday of week two (a day after I felt better from the cold) and for the rest of that week I was way too busy. Which sucks because the water was so nice and flat.

Next time! I'll be back down in three-ish months. I'll try again and maybe at that time I'll wear SharkBanz. It sure is pretty down there.

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Winter Wildcat

 Pictures day two. Pictures day one